I-Robot First edition cover, by Isaac Asimov,
circa 1940-1950 from Wikipedia
Q: Do ghosts reside in our circa 2017 machines? Always caused by "random snips of code"?
A: YES -- with a surprise twist: The "ghosts" are buried in how NODATA tokens are stored -- and interpreted. The ghosts are not in the software -- but in the DATA -- specifically how human software developers adopt unconscious & unknown software ASSUMPTIONS regarding current & historical use of NODATA tokens.
VIDEO: Perhaps a scary $23 quadrillion dollar billing example -- to kick off this significance of NODATA assumptions -- and software interpretations. In 2009, Josh Muszynski of New Hampshire was "billed" over $23 quadrillion dollars via his debit card:
2 min video: Josh Muszynski of NH reviews his online bank statement
and astronomical $23 quadrillion bill (from WMUR-TV, video alternate link )
Wow! And the open literature suggests there were some 12,000 other similar example that have gone unreported [1].
Q: How did a NODATA "ghost" cause this surprise bill? A bill that was over 2000 times larger than the US National Debit in 2009? (or said another way, Mr Muszynski -- if he had actually received the $23 quadrillion -- could have "paid" the US debit and had 1999 extra US-sized debts to spare).
A: The best explanation comes from how ASCII "blank" data (space-bar characters) are "padded" into the debit / credit card reader -- at your local corner store -- and then "digested" by the computers at the bank end. From a very short illustration [2] from programmer website TheStackExchange:
Q: "Is 23,148,855,308,184,500 a magic number -- or sheer chance?"
A: "Add the cents to the number and you get [19 digit number]: 2314885530818450000 -- which in Hexadecimal [base-16] is: 2020 2020 2020 1250. Do you see the pattern? The first six bytes have been overwritten by spaces (hex 20, dec 32). "
KEY IDEA? MESSAGE? How NODATA is stored -- and interpreted by software and programmer algorithms -- is REALLY, REALLY important. Failure to recognize interpretive difference between NODATA storage types will make the ghosts pop out of the machine!
[1] Apparently there are some 12,000 other un-reported $23 quadrillion dollar billing errors from NODATA padding & improper interpretation:
[2] StackExchange Q&A: Is $23,148,855,308,184,500 a "magic" number?